
Data-Driven Resources

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The National Supply and Demand Study is executed annually by AAAE (American Association of Agricultural Educators) with Dr. Daniel Foster, Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Becki Lawver, Utah State University; Dr. Amy Smith, University of Minnesota; and Dr. Michael Spiess, California State University Chico as the current NSD study team. The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a collaborative partner with the AAAE National Supply and Demand study team to ensure a quality and diverse supply of agriculture teachers.

National Supply and Demand Data

2023 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary (Coming Soon!)
2022 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2021 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2020 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2019 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2018 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2017 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2016 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2015 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2014 National Supply and Demand Executive Summary
2006-2009 National Supply and Demand Study
2004-2006 National Supply and Demand Study
1999-2001 National Supply and Demand Study

Regional Supply and Demand Profiles

The supply and demand profiles provide a snapshot of the current status of agriculture teacher supply and demand based on NAAE and AAAE region. The data was collected from state agricultural education leaders and institution faculty in the fall of 2023 and is based on the 2022-2023 academic year.

State-Level Supply and Demand Profiles

Click here to access the 2023 State-Level Supply and Demand Profiles zip file.