
The Importance of Advocacy

As an agricultural educator, simply telling the story of what you do every day is great advocacy. You are making lives better, giving students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed, and helping unite and strengthen your community.

That’s why it’s essential to advocate. Tell your ag ed story. Make sure the world knows just how important agricultural education is to your students and your community. You’re a teacher — teach your community, state and national leaders the importance of agricultural education!

There are three simple steps you can take to become an even stronger voice for agricultural education: becoming educated, building relationships, and taking action.

National, Region, and State Supply and Demand Profiles

The National Supply and Demand Study is executed annually by AAAE (American Association of Agricultural Educators) with Dr. Daniel Foster, Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Becki Lawver, Utah State University; and Dr. Amy Smith, University of Minnesota as the current NSD study team. The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a collaborative partner with the AAAE National Supply and Demand study team to ensure a quality and diverse supply of agriculture teachers. Click here to see the most up to date versions of the National, Regional, and State Supply and Demand Profiles.