1. Delegates
a. Delegate Body: Voting Delegates will be active members of NAAE designated as the voting representatives of their state association and registered with the head teller of NAAE. The number of delegates will be based on membership as of June 30th of the prior membership year.
b. Changes to Delegate Roster: Changes to each official state delegation of voting members must be made prior to 12pm on Friday prior to the Assembly of Delegates Session by notifying the head teller via email at naae@uky.edu
c. Credentialing Report Process: The credentialing report will be provided at the first general session of the convention with voting delegates confirmed by the regional vice president at the first regional meeting and confirmed by roll call at the Assembly of Delegates Session on Friday.
2. Program and New Business Items
a. Program: The program will be developed by the NAAE Executive Committee to be presented to the members requiring a majority vote for adoption. Any change in the program will require a two-thirds vote of the official delegates.
b. Consideration of New Business: Any new business items or resolutions will only be considered during the designated Assembly of Delegates Session on Friday and may only be submitted by official voting delegates and/or members of the Board of Directors.
c. New Business Items: Any new business items and or resolutions, defined as a statement that establishes, alters, or abolishes substantive policies or programs of the association, must be submitted in writing via email to the appointed parliamentarian at foster@psu.edu by 12pm on Friday prior to the Assembly of Delegates Session.
3. Adoption of Convention Standing Rules
a. Nature: The rules governing the convention will be adopted in the opening session and will serve as Special Rules of Order for the transaction of business taking precedence over the parliamentary authority. Per Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, a two-thirds vote is required to adopt the convention standing rules.
b. Amendment: Amending any of the adopted convention standing rules will require a two-thirds vote.
4. General
a. Recognition: When recognized, speakers are required to state their full name and the state they represent.
b. Quorum: As per the bylaws, Quorum will be the majority of voting delegates present at the Assembly of Delegates.
5. Rules of Debate/Discussion
a. Speech Time Limits: A member may speak twice to the same motion for no more than 2 minutes each time.
b. Recognition: A member will be recognized for the second time on a motion only after all others seeking recognition on the issue have been heard on this motion.
c. Time for Consideration: Each item of business will be limited to 15 minutes of discussion including consideration of amendments or other procedural motions. The assembly has the option of adopting additional limitations or extensions of time for deliberation through a motion to limit or extend limits of debate which requires a two-thirds vote for adoption.
d. Timekeeper: An appointed designee by the president will be responsible for timekeeping.
6. Voting
a. Convention Organizing Reports: The credential report, the adoption of convention rules and the convention program will be considered utilizing a voice vote or standing vote. All other votes will be conducted by either an electronic ballot or by unanimous consent.
b. Electronic Ballot: Access to the electronic ballot will be provided by NAAE staff at the Assembly of Delegates Session through an individual email provided to each credentialed delegate.
7. Elections
a. Nominations: Per the bylaws, nominations for the offices of President and President-Elect will be opened at the first NAAE general session and closed at the second general session.
b. President-Elect Ballot: Per the bylaws, when there are more than two candidates for the office of President-Elect, if on the first ballot a candidate is not elected by receiving a majority of votes cast, the candidate receiving the fewest votes will be removed from the subsequent ballots.
c. Teller’s Reports. The teller’s report indicating the number of votes for each candidate for open offices will not be read aloud to the membership but will be filed in the organization’s minutes. The oral report will only include the following information: number of eligible voters, number of votes cast, number of votes required to elect and if an election was achieved. The presiding office will announce the individual’s name who was elected if election was achieved.
d. Tie Votes: Whenever there are two candidates for president and/or president elect at the annual meeting with the election utilizing the voting method of ballot, the president will cast a ballot via the electronic platform. The election will be by majority vote.
8. Teller Committee:
a. Certification of Results: The Past President of NAAE will oversee certification of voting results and serve as the Head Teller.
b. Teller Committee Members: The current president and each candidate for president and president-elect will designate a teller to serve on the Teller committee. The members of the Teller committee will need to be available at Assembly of Delegates to review election results and bring the certified results to the President for announcement.
9. Regional Business & Elections:
a. Election voting: Regions with more than one candidate will vote by paper ballot in regional meeting. Unopposed candidates can be elected by voice vote. Only official delegates from the respective regions are eligible to vote.
b. Tie Votes: Whenever there are two candidates for regional vice president and/or secretary at the regional meeting with the election utilizing the voting method of ballot, the current regional vice president will cast a paper ballot as allowed by the parliamentary authority of the organization. In the case of a tie, a teller’s report will be read and reballoting will occur. The election will be by majority vote.
10. Parliamentary Authority: In case of disputes, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will be the official parliamentary authority as designated in the organization’s bylaws.