who we are

75 Years of NAAE

Our History

Agricultural educators who had formed state associations for agricultural educators organized the National Vocational Agricultural Teachers' Association (NVATA) in 1948 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1997 at the annual NVATA convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, the name of the organization was changed to the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE). The NAAE is a quasi-federation of 50 state agricultural educators associations. The governing body of the organization consists of a board of directors with a president, president elect, and six regional vice presidents. Today, more than 9,000 agricultural educators are members of NAAE.

2023 marked NAAE’s 75th anniversary. A lot has changed since our organization was formed in 1948, but our focus is still on providing agricultural educators the opportunity to come together for the betterment of their profession. We started as a grassroots organization, and still pride ourselves today on being driven by the thoughtful leadership of agricultural educators from across the United States. Our members are agricultural educators by choice, not by chance, and that shows in their leadership within their communities, states, and the education profession.

We celebrated our 75th anniversary throughout 2023, culminating with a 75th anniversary celebration during our annual convention in Phoenix. We invite you to continue to celebrate with us!