professional development

Awards and Scholarships Application FAQ

How do I log in?
When you click "click here to complete your online application," you will be prompted to log in to the website. If you have never logged in before or don't remember your password, click the "Can't Access Account?" link and follow the instructions to reset or set up your password. *Note - you must use the email address we have on file with your membership record. If you still have problems logging in, please call the NAAE office at 1-800-509-0204. The NAAE office is open from 8am until 5pm eastern time, Monday-Friday.

Can I fill out more than one award online?
It is possible to submit multiple NAAE awards and to have multiple award applications in progress at the same time. Simply choose the application you want to work on from the drop-down list or the page. Just be sure to hit the save button on the application you’re working on before you move to a different application.

Working on an award over multiple sessions?
Because the awards forms are associated with your profile, you can partially complete an awards application, save it, log out, and log back in later to complete the form. The items you have attached to the application and the fields you have filled out will be saved. You can have multiple awards in progress at the same time, and work on those awards over an extended period of time.

What format do I need to save my supporting documents in?
Please save the documents to be uploaded in the supporting documents section in a common file format - PDFs, Word documents, plain text files, or image files are all acceptable. For the fields where you are asked to upload a picture, a file format of .gif, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .jpg or .tif is required.

How do I change the information in the grayed-out fields?
To change information that appears in a grayed-out field on the application form, use one of the "update your profile" links located at various places on the awards form. This links you to another form where you can update that information. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the profile update form and submit your changes before you return to the awards form. You will need to refresh the awards form or log out and log back in to see the changes reflected.

Can I attach more than one file to each category in the Supporting Documents area?
You can only attach one file per category in the Supporting Documents area. For instance, your supporting materials (up to 8 pages) should be saved as one continuous file, then that file should be uploaded to the corresponding area under supporting documents.

I need a cover sheet so I can turn in my award application for state-level judging.
If you wish to print a hard copy of the information on the award application form, use the print button at the top or bottom of the page. It is not necessary to print a hard copy to submit your award to NAAE - this is strictly for your own use.You must print before you submit your application. After you click the submit button, you will no longer be able to access the form for that award.

Can I submit my application for state-level competition using your form?
The submit button at the bottom of the application form submits the application to NAAE, not to your state association. If you would like to submit the application to your state association, SAVE it, use the print button to print a cover sheet, and then send the application and required materials to your state association via mail or email. If you are selected as the state winner and need to submit the application to NAAE, return to the form and use the submit button to send it to us.

Can NAAE access my saved award application?
No. Until you hit the submit button, NAAE can not see your award application. Applications must be submitted by May 15 in order to be eligible for judging.

What is the difference between the SAVE and SUBMIT buttons?
The SAVE button saves your application and allows you to leave the application form and return later to complete it. That means you can upload some files during one session, then return a few days later to upload the rest of the files or update and replace a previously uploaded file.Clicking the SUBMIT button sends the application to NAAE. Once you click SUBMIT, you will no longer be able to access your application for that award. You will still be able to access applications for other awards.

Can I change something on my award application after I hit the SUBMIT button?
No. Once you click the SUBMIT button, you will no longer be able to access your application for that award. You will still be able to access applications for other awards.

How will I know that my application has been successfully submitted?
Once you click the submit button, you will get an on-screen notification that your award application has been submitted. Please print this for your records. In addition, you will receive an email confirmation.