
State Leaders Resources

The items on this page are resources for state leaders of agricultural education. If you need help with any other items related to your state association — creating Memorandums of Understanding for state officers, making an advocacy plan for your state, or anything else, please contact the NAAE office at 800-509-0204 or We're here to help!

Resources to Help You Plan Your State Conference

This section includes items specifically mentioned in the State Conference Resources Information Letter that was sent to state leaders to help plan state conferences. Many additional resources are available as well.

The NAAE State Winner Award Certificate Templates are now available to you electronically at no cost. The certificate templates were created using Microsoft PowerPoint. Each file includes directions for updating the names on each certificate, and directions for how to print. These certificates do not mean that these individuals are regional winners. They are to be used to recognize state winners of the award categories. These certificates should be presented at your state agricultural educators’ association annual conference. Questions related to these templates may be directed to Alan Green, NAAE Program Manager - Marketing and Communications. The following templates are available using the link above:

  • Ideas Unlimited Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Lifetime Achievement Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Early Career Teacher Award – State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Middle/Secondary Program Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Postsecondary Program Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Service Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Teacher Award - State Winner Certificate
  • State-Level Certificate of Appreciation
  • State-Level Years of Service Certificate
  • Outstanding Postsecondary Program Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Outstanding Service Citation Award - State Winner Certificate
  • Teacher Mentor Award – State Winner Certificate
  • Teachers Turn The Key Scholarship – State Winner Certificate

Check out our new ShopNAAE and purchase NAAE branded items, stickers, and accessories to promote NAAE and #TeachAg. New items are being added so make sure to check back often. ShopNAAE includes information about ordering NAAE-branded plaques, awards, and gavels through our external vendor, Crown Trophy of Lexington. NAAE also offers membership pins on our merchandise page as well. Visit

Please note that the following hard-copy certificates can be purchased online using the hyperlink above:
  • Years of Service Certificates
  • Teacher of Teachers Certificates – Bronze, Silver, and Gold
  • Thirty Minute Club Certificates
  • NAAE Agriculture Teacher’s Creed
  • 2024 NAAE Updates Rack Card
  • NAAE Sticker Packs

Please submit your 2024-2025 NAAE State Officer Roster by September 1, 2024. This state officer roster will include information for your new officer team for the 2024-2025 membership year. This year, we are moving to an online State Officer Roster system for greater efficiency. We realize that many of you will not have elected these officers yet, so we ask that the new and incoming president for 2024-2025 completes this form. NAAE cannot do a good job serving your state association and the membership at large if we don’t know who the state leaders are, so please provide all information that is requested. Click here to submit your 2024-2025 NAAE State Officer Roster.

The NAAE Agricultural Educator Relief Fund is designed to assist individual NAAE active members during a time of personal crisis or need. NAAE members may receive up to a $500 stipend to help them through a difficult time. The fund is made possible by the support of state associations and private donors. Applications must be submitted to NAAE from the state agricultural education association leadership on behalf of a NAAE active member. There is no deadline for submitting applications for this program. Applications should be submitted at the time of the need. Complete details are included in the application form. For more information, click here.

Looking for digital and printable copies of your NAAE membership card and professional development certificates? Access your membership profile, where you can update your account, apply for awards, and more by visiting Your log-in is the email address on file in the NAAE membership database. We encourage you to keep your membership information up to date.

See you in San Antonio! We can’t wait to see you and representatives from your state association at the 2024 NAAE Convention, held December 3-7, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas. For the most up to date information, visit the 2024 NAAE Convention Website.

  • The 2024 NAAE Convention Schedule is now available. Please note that more event details, including room assignments, workshops, descriptions, etc. will be added to our online schedule as they become available. Later this fall, we will provide information related to the official 2024 NAAE Convention App.

  • Housing and Travel Information is now available for the 2024 NAAE Convention. The 2024 NAAE Convention will take place at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk. NAAE expects our block to sell out quickly. Please do not hesitate to make your reservations if you want to stay at the Grand Hyatt.

  • Registration is now open for the 2024 NAAE Convention. Registrants for the 2024 NAAE Convention are also automatically registered for the ACTE CareerTech VISION. The 2024 NAAE Convention schedule is planned so NAAE members can attend sessions at both ACTE Vision and the NAAE Convention. NAAE members will pay one registration fee and have full access to both conferences. We encourage all members to register before July 31 to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration Rate.

Save the Date
Celebrate the profession of teaching agriculture with us on September 19, 2024! We’re re-imagining our National #TeachAg Day celebration to make it even more fun for you to promote the profession of agricultural education. For the most up to information about National #TeachAg Day, visit our website.

Opportunities for Engagement

  • Plan a Documentary Premiere Party
    Roll out the red carpet in your community! We are offering support for anyone who would like to host a premiere party in their own town. Whether it’s your local theater, a community center, or the high school auditorium, you can hold your own screening of our documentary and invite future ag teachers, community stakeholders and others! Click here to acccess our National #TeachAg Day Celebration Planning Guide.


Are you planning to attend the 2024 National FFA Convention & Expo, October 23-26, 2024? We’ll be there, too! Stop by our #TeachAg booth to encourage your students to teach agriculture, participate in enriching professional development with our NAAE Learning Labs, and pick up your Ag Teacher Wellness pack from the NAAE Educators Lounge! Additional information coming soon.

Your membership includes $100,000 in-dues professional liability insurance coverage. Your NAAE membership gives you the opportunity to upgrade your coverage. For just $35, you can increase your coverage to $1 million coverage, or $50 for $2 million coverage. Upgrades include valuable job protection benefits that provide legal support if you’re subject to termination, reassignment, demotion, or suspension. For more information about these benefits and to upgrade your professional liability insurance coverage, visit

National Supply and Demand Profiles
The 2023 Agriculture Teacher Supply and Demand Profiles are now available on our website. The National Supply and Demand Study is executed annually by AAAE (American Association for Agricultural Education) with Dr. Daniel Foster, Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Becki Lawver, Utah State University; Dr. Michael Spiess, Chico State University; and Dr. Amy Smith, University of Minnesota as the current NSD study team. The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a collaborative partner with the AAAE National Supply and Demand study team to ensure a quality and diverse supply of agriculture teachers. The supply and demand profiles provide a snapshot of the current status of agriculture teacher supply and demand based on NAAE and AAAE region. The data was collected from state agricultural education leaders and institution faculty in the fall of 2023 and is based on the 2022-2023 academic year. Click here to access the 2023 Agriculture Teacher Supply and Demand Profiles.

#TeachAg Pathway Posters
NAAE has developed #TeachAg Pathway posters to help others understand the process of becoming an agricultural educator in each state. The posters have been designed to show the process of becoming an agriculture teacher following a university-based program. The new state specific #TeachAg Pathway Posters will be available June 1st. NAAE has developed a separate document to recruit alternatively certified teachers. Each alternative certified pathway document will provide information for industry professionals and other educators to join the profession of teaching agriculture. Click here to access the pathway posters for each state.

Alternative Pathway to Teaching Ag Poster – Information Collection Form
NAAE is creating a state specific document to guide others to becoming alternatively certified teacher within each state. We have created a survey to assist our team with creating your state document. Please complete this survey.


NAAE Professional State Association Award Application

NAAE will recognize state associations who have aggressively engaged in certain well-planned activities designed to serve the best interest of the members and the profession. To be eligible, an affiliated association must submit an online application to NAAE by September 1st.

All state associations who submit completed award applications will be recognized during the NAAE convention. Professional State Association winners will be awarded the following:

  • Exemplary (highest level of distinction)
  • Visionary
  • Innovative

From those states receiving "Exemplary" rating, a "State of Distinction" in (1) Advocacy in Agricultural Education; (2) Member Experience; (3) Professional Development; (4) Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition will be selected and recognized on stage during NAAE Convention. 

State association applicants will also receive recognition during their Regional Meeting at NAAE Convention.

Application and Rubric


Resources to Help You Manage Membership