
Themes and Editors


September-October 2024


Models of Skill/Competence Development in the SBAE Classroom
Teaching “in” agriculture – skill development through hands-on; field-based; and competency development in agriculture. What is working, how it is enacted, what folks are doing on large and low budget across all levels of SBAE.

Theme Editor:

Dr. Andrew Thoron
Department Head
Agricultural Education and Communication
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
(229) 391-5280


November-December 2024


Empowering Educators: Integrating AI in Agricultural Classrooms
The November-December 2024 issue of Ag Ed Magazine delves into the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in agricultural classrooms. Potential topics will be: AI-enhanced learning tools, AI curriculum development, student engagement with AI, educator perspectives of using AI in the classroom, and ethical considerations when using AI. As educators strive to prepare students for the evolving landscape of agriculture, this issue aims to offer valuable insights, strategies, and perspectives on navigating the integration of AI into agricultural education.

Theme Editors:

Dr. Courtney Meyers
Department of Agricultural Education and Communications
Texas Tech University

Kylie Harlan 
Agricultural Communication
Department of Agricultural Education and Communications
Texas Tech University 


January-February 2025


Mental Health and Wellbeing
We tend to associate winter with dreariness and New Years with a sense of newness. Just as nature needs to rest before the busyness of spring, so do you! Join us this issue as we explore topics and tools for a mental health check in to fight the dreary. Come (re)prioritize your mental health for 2025.

Theme Editors:

Dr. Colby Gregg
Ag Education Instructor, Santa Fe South Schools
6921 Plaza Mayor Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73149
(217) 419-2931


March-April 2025


Innovative SAEs
Supervised Agricultural Experiences are an essential element of the Three-Circle Model of Agricultural Education. The variety of SAEs is as unique as our FFA members and we would like to showcase some unique or innovative SAEs. Ag teachers are encouraged to share their experiences and tell their stories of unique or innovative SAEs their students have been involved in. Post-secondary ag educators are invited to share history, philosophy and/or research related to SAEs and the benefits if SAEs or share unique and innovative SAEs you have witnessed.

Theme Editor:

Dr. Candis Carraway Scallan
Associate Professor
Stephen F. Austin State University
(936) 433-2419


Co-Theme Editor:

Misty D. Lambert, PhD
Associate Professor, Agricultural Education
North Carolina State University
(919) 515-2707